I'm New
What To Expect

You will notice right away how friendly we are! You will feel welcome. Our services are lively with great music and a message of hope.  Check out the questions below to find out more.

  • What is it like?
    • Friendly, lively, enjoyable. We enjoy being together as a church family and would love to have you come and stay! You will be blessed and you will leave filled with hope. 
  • What about my kids?
    • Kids remain in the service during the music portion and we encourage the kids to participate.  We have several kids that dance in the aisle! Then, after the music, the kids will go downstairs for Kids Church (ages 4-12). We also have a nursery for little ones upto age 3.
  • Where do I park?
    • Park in our upper parking lot. It is big with easy access to the front doors.
  • What do I wear?
    • Be comfortable. Pastor Jason wears jeans! 
  • How can I get connected?
    • Fill out a connect card and Pastor Jason will reach out to you. We also have a time of fellowship after the service where you can enjoy coffee and goodies. A great time to get to know who we are!